ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience Bruce C. Hansen is driven to unravel the intricate inner workings of the human brain, and it is more than just scientific curiosity.
In this episode of 13, ride along with the Russian mafia as Professor of Anthropology and Peace and Conflict Studies Nancy Ries shares her experiences conducting anthropological research in Russia — as well as her insights into the rise of Thugocracy and the cultural importance of potatoes.
Associate Professor of Anthropology Kristin De Lucia has been looking for subtler hints of how the ancients used Mexico’s lakes at a place called Xaltocan.
A ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½-led biology symposium on canine research has led to the publication of a special issue of Integrative and Comparative Biology, focusing on the special qualities of dog research and how the species is a perfect launching point to teach many facets of the discipline.
This summer, I am conducting independent research through the geography department with Professor Peter Klepeis and Senior Lecturer Myongsun Kong to map food access and inequality in nearby Utica, N.Y.
The device that Associate Professor of Physics Jonathan Levine is helping to build doesn’t reside down the hall from his office, or in the same state. But he and his colleagues hope that one day, their project won’t even share their planet.
Six ÌÇÐÄ´«Ã½ students, advised by Associate Professor of Biology Engda Hagos, have published research on the Krüppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) gene factor and its relationship to energy-producing processes of cells in the journal Cells.
While seemingly everyone else was growing sourdough starters at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jacob Watts ’21 was growing a basement fern laboratory.