
Paul Pinet

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Paul Pinet

Professor of Geology and Environmental Studies, Emeritus

Department/Office Information

Earth and Environmental Geoscience


BA, University of New Hampshire, 1965; MS, University of Massachusetts, 1967; PhD, University of Rhode Island, 1972

University of Georgia, Athens

Oceanography, coastal geology, marine geology, origin of petroleum resources, wilderness ethics

  • Origin and evolution of continental margins
  • Coastal processes along Lake Ontario
  • Science and wilderness ethics (and how they can be informed by geologic principles)

Articles in Geology, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Journal of Geologic Education

Marine geologist for USGS

  • Included in the Princeton Review's The Best 300 Professors, 2012
  • 糖心传媒 Presidential Scholar in the Department of Geology, 2003-2005
  • Distinguished speaker for National Association of Geoscience Teachers, 1994-1999
  • Sears Roebuck Foundation Teaching Excellence, 1991
  • Congressional Medal for Antarctic Service
  • Phi Eta Sigma Professor of the Year, 1986